Portland: My New Home Away From Home

My Mom and I took a trip to Portland, Oregon last weekend and boy was it awesome. I had been researching Portland for years (even before going vegan) and knew that I would love it but I had no idea how hard it would be for me to leave. In fact just thinking about heading back home made me want to cry :0... But enough drama, lets talk about what we did and where we ate!

Great, Now What do I do with all this Wool?

   On May 18th of this year I made one of the biggest and most important decisions of my life to
date... I went Vegan.

Being Auntie [A Story of Survival]

     The past few months have been very slow for me knitting wise. I was having a hard time finding the time or motivation to knit anything... Which is a rare and scary feeling for me. For the past few weeks my youngest niece had been visiting with us. Yes, for the past few weeks my 2 year old silly little ball of energy niece who sprints like the wind and tries to lock herself in dark bedrooms was in my care during the day and most of the night.

Taking care of young children is fun but challenging none the less. Getting her up and ready to go during the coldest days of the year has taught me many things. I am a creative person person so naturally I spend a lot of time and dedicate a lot of thought and energy to creating things that are neat and thoughtful as well as functional. Minutes after she left I deep cleaned the house. Then I got to work on the latest addition to my shop. This items design was entirely inspired by my little niece and my experiences taking care of her.

Around the World for the Holidays!

Last night my family and I (as well as many other central valley residents) were lucky enough to see the worlds grandest landmarks at our local fairgrounds.

This year a new tradition has begun and I couldn't be more excited. "Global Winter Wonderland" is here!